воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cotton eye joe techno

En daar was Nico Dijkshoorn met zijn 'gedigtenbundel'. Echt ongelofelijk dat je daar geld mee kunt verdienen. Mijn eerste reactie was: dat kan ik ook. Zoals ik die wel vaker heb. Bijvoorbeeld bij het nieuw gekochte productieschilderij van moeder gemaakt door een semi-bekende kunstenaar.
Deze keer heb ik het echter niet bij deze gedachte gelaten, maar de daad bij het woord gevoegd. Hieronder het resultaat. (geschreven zoals Nico het zou voorlezen)

Het volgende gedicht heet P. Kouwes

P. Kouwes


Het volgende gedicht heet Vrouwen


Je kunt

Het volgende gedicht heet Fail


op haar

Het volgende gedicht heet Famous last words

Famous last words


cotton eye joe techno, cotton eye joe technol, cotton eye joe video.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

de la terre a la lune

I went on a date with a boy that iapos;ve had a crush on for like the last two years
i havenapos;t been on a real date in forever...so that was a good one to go on :) haha
and i was all nervous and it was exactly what it should have been
no mom problems. No girlfriend/ex-girlfriend problems. No car problems. No lack of education problems.
just coffee and good conversation.

iapos;m all happy :)

the best part of all, he doesnapos;t know any of the people i know

authority to declare war, de la terre a la lune, de la tierra, de la tierra a la luna, de la tierra alta kennels.


Itapos;s been awhile since I last updated, and a lot has gone on since then.
First off I suppose would be the improv fest. It was awesome. Not only were all of the perfomaces top-notch, but just being able to talk, meet, and hang out with performers from all over was amazing I have a�lot of new thoughts and energies regarding improv. Itapos;s sort of made me think about the stat of improv in Victoria. I mean, Iapos;ve always known itapos;s been small. Weapos;ve got a corporate-geared group, a barprov group, and the Impromaniacs. Theatersports (CPYRGHT) are coming soon, and that is very fun

I got fired from my job. I donapos;t care about that much really. It was a decent job run by shitty people. That is to say, anyone above full-time has a shit-eating grin. Honesty is CLEARLY not the best policy. Yeah, itapos;s done, Iapos;m stoked. Iapos;ve got a new job set up for next week. It looks like a really fun place, with lax staff. The only down side with it is that it starts in a week. Iapos;ve got a lot of spare time on my hands.

Iapos;ve been reading more comics recently. Iapos;ve picked up and finished 24 Seven Vol.2 (wicked comp. Of a futuristic-robot city with no strong narratives, but rather story paintings) and Umbrella Academy Vol1 ( Like X-men....but with My Chemical Romance). Iapos;ve picked up the Scud Omnibus. It should be a good read. I really like the art style.

carving patterns, fmhac, fmheaven.

free fall adventures

Im tired of boys always telling me "for you iapos;d fight a dozen birds", "iapos;ll go visit you this next weekend", "youapos;re the best thing that has happened to me", "iapos;d do anything for you", "youapos;re retardingly sweet", and my personal favorite "Iapos;ll paint you on the hood of my car". But they dont pull through. And i tell them i dont want that, that i just want a committed relationship and they get scared. REALLY? REALLY GUYS? youapos;d put your life in danger, youapos;d go as far as putting my face in your car but noooooo, you canapos;t move in with me. What the fuck is wrong with these men? Iapos;m getting tired. No, I AM tired. This is taking a toll on my health and on my mental stability. FUCK MEN. Im tired of trying to push them into a serious relationship and im tired of them always backing out. Im through. Im done. Im finished.
free fall adventures, free fall animation, free fall apparatus, free fall background.

artic quest

In no particular order - thinking and typing - Itapos;s a happy post for once

Firstly: SQUEEEE Dean sent me a single red rose and a box of lovely chocolates accompanied by a card saying "Thinking of you, missing you and love you". Heapos;s been incredibly sweet recently, itapos;s great. Iapos;m so happy because of his caring gestures and his attitude. We are like in the early days again. Effortless and uncomplicated. Hehehehe.

Second: SQUEEEE Iapos;m engaged Dean posted it onto FB, still no ring but who cares? There will be one and I know Iapos;ve been engaged for a while now and Iapos;ve not really made it overly known (there where some inner daemons to kick on my part) so Iapos;m taking the time now to have my giggle and squee moment. *is sickeningly happy and loved up* I look forward to our life together.

Third - there is no third for this post.

More updates look backwards of this post.

artic quest, artic queen clematis, artic pure ice machine filter, artic puffins.

european air fares

One really annoying thing about the food in Ireland is that is goes bad really fast. My milk curdled six days before the expiration date, two or three days after I bought it. My cheese went moldy early, my lettuce and potatoes go black and moldy after a few days, and today I found some mold on the sauerkraut that I bought last week, used once, and tightly resealed. This makes weekly shopping trips very difficult, and Iapos;m usually too lazy or tired to go down to the store midweek. So instead I go once a week each weekend, go crazy and eat a ton, then half starve myself on whatever I have left during the week. Which is not very healthy, Iapos;m well aware of. So Iapos;m trying to do better and eat a couple of good meals during the week, which usually means improvising.

This week I used the last of my spagetti to make "breakfast pasta": spagetti with scrambled eggs, carroway and sandwich ham, olive oil, and some salt. My sandwich bread had gone stale two days after I bought it, hence the use of ham. And this week I actually ate during the day, rather than at night, and made myself a "fry up" breakfast (at three pm) consisting of two eggs fried sunnyside up (first time I ever made them that way), toast, rashers (baccon), and tea. I really need to eat during the day more often. But I usually sleep to the very last minute before I have to drag myself up to bed and to school. Waking up early to eat sounds impossible.

I sort of scared myself last week because in three days I ate only a cup of noodles, and by Friday I felt so shakey that I forced myself to eat several candy bars on my way to school, hoping the sugar would keep me going a couple more hours until I could buy and make real food. It did, and I celebrated that fact and the weekend by buying porkchops from the English Market and cooking them in olive oil with Granny Smiths and the sauerkraut, and sprinkled with carroway seeds that I had to go to the Co-op to find. The result was so damn good.

Meat from the English Market, apart from being healthier and fresher, is considerably cheaper than meat from the supermarket. Four chicken filets there cost five euro; four filets at the supermarket cost thirteen euro.

Iapos;ve also made the, possibly dangerous, discovery that the frozen fries here are really good. I donapos;t like buying frozen food on principle, but these are just too good.

Iapos;m always hungry on the weekend. I eat too much. Well, maybe not, considering how little I eat during the week. But I feel like Iapos;m scarfing everything down. And I hate being in the position I am in now, having eatten a very full meal, plus a couple of "snacks," and still Iapos;m hungry. And, even though Iapos;m eating a lot each weekend, I walk enough during the week to keep losing weight, rather than gain it.

I love being able to buy food and cook here. Iapos;m going to miss that when I go back to Marlboro. I like that I can walk five minutes and be surrounded by food to buy and cook. I just wish the stores were a little bit closer.

The mere existence of this entry attests to the fact that Iapos;m hungry, so Iapos;ll shut up now.

diamonds on the inside, european air fares, european air fare, european air express eae, european air express airlines.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

evil dragon names

I rather imagine that some day my brain will level out and Iapos;ll stop being such a nutcase. Then again, judging from my family I might not, lol.

I had really wretched dreams the night before last in which Drew was an asshat and I woke up very, very angry at him. Isnapos;t that silly? Whatapos;s even sillier is I stayed angry. I actually had to go outside and smoke before I could converse with him like a rational creature. I wasnapos;t gonna tell him, apos;cause it was so silly, but he got it out of me anyway. We were able to laugh it off, though. It kind of set the mood for the day for me, though. My dreams tend to do that... Stay with me all day. I was still in a funk when he got home. And I watched The Notebook... apos;cause Iapos;m a dumbass, lol. I was better by the time we went to bed, though.

I was sick, and then I was on my period, so I was allowed to be lazy for a week or so. Itapos;s been hell getting un-lazy. Itapos;s such an easy habit to fall back into. I havenapos;t done anything I was supposed to do this week, including looking for a job. We talked last night, though, and I think Iapos;ll be able to break myself out of it today. Well, I know I can... Itapos;s just a matter of actually doing it, you know? lol. Lordie, Iapos;m an rtard sometimes.

I got out a text yesterday inviting a bunch of people to come play at a haunted hay ride near my house. I even got some responses this time. Kyle actually acknowledged my existence, which was really, really nice. I doubt sheapos;ll actually show up come Sunday, but I got her to chat with me for a minute or so via text. Itapos;s a start. I really do miss that girl. I hope now that weapos;ve started I can get us back to a place where we arenapos;t strangers, at least.

Enough silliness. I must to clean.

"Iapos;m not worried about tomorrow. Today I sat in the grass and did nothing. Why should tomorrow worry me?"
evil dragon names, evil dragon drawings, evil dragon art, evil dragon.

campbell jessica

*rubs head* These past couple days have been hell, but mostly just because of little things here and there.

Like not getting enough sleep and having to work when I usally have a day off. And Iapos;ve been told weapos;re completely booked this weekend so long, hard days are ahead.

Then things that just make me twich and give me a headache. Like I was out shopping with someone from my pledge class to get food for our event weapos;re putting on this Saturday. It was somewhat fun - but sometimes she had trouble listening to me when I tried to explain things. So when - SHOCK We spent more money than she thought it made me twich how surprised she was when I had tried so hard to tell her that.

Then we decided to get dinner and while at dinner I got a call from a classmate that I use to work in a group with. She wanted to know if we could give up our time with the camera we signed out on Saturday because THEIR group wanted it. I tried to think of a way that we both could use it - but she needed it for the excat same hours that we did. So I appologiesed and said that we really needed it then.

But she wouldnapos;t let it drop. Talking about how it wasnapos;t her fault her interview person couldnapos;t get back to her faster and how it wasnapos;t fair because we had the camera signed out later on in the week. I explained but that time would be a less important day and if she had asked for it then we probably could have given it to her then - but this weekend was an important shoot for us.

She repeated saying that it still wasnapos;t fair and that she was just going to half to talk to the teacher about what to do. And mentioned once again that we should really give up the camera because they would have signed it out if we hadnapos;t already... Or some retarted excuse like that. So I started to get pissed off as she was trying to guilt me. So I kinda snapped that I was sorry that we planned ahead and signed the camera out because weapos;ve been working on our project so long. I think she could tell I wasnapos;t impressed and Iapos;m sure she thinks Iapos;m a bitch now, but she quickly ended the call after that.

Then I went to my anime club. That was kinda fun because instead of watching Berserk like normal we ended up showing off some of our AMVs. Although there was this one kid there that kept showing Naruto manga scans and they were all 8mins long and boring for everyone but him. Because the three other people (plus me) who were there hadnapos;t read that far and were being spolied or just didnapos;t give a damn. We tried to explain that but he just couldnapos;t get it through his thick skull.

But then when I came home I found that it might be the last time I would show some of those AMVs as two were removed. My Kenshinapos;s Scar AMV and my Kenshinapos;s Dancing with the Devil AMV. The scars one I wasnapos;t too worried over; however, the other using Breaking Benjamin song did. As that was one of my better videos - not to mention a LOT of my videos uses Breaking Benjamin so half my good AMVs may be removed shortly.

So I stayed up late to remove all song refrence from my AMVs. And now I must run to work. Because I still donapos;t get a day off.

I really wish I could just hide under the bed for a few days.
campbell jessica, campbell jimmie john jr, campbell jo mary sister, campbell joanna.